Monday, November 4, 2013

The Most Important Public Service Announcement Ever Created Ever

If you did not read my last blog post about Henry Ruff, then...

A. Do yourself a favor and go read it now.

B. Be lazy and just continue reading. 

C. Quit reading my blog all together because you hate multiple              choice tests. 

For those of you that chose option A, I love you. I promised you guys I would let you know if Henry responded to me and....HE FREAKING RESPONDED. But first...

Pictured above is my original tweet to Henry which got a whopping 8 retweets and 20 favorites. That just so happens to be a Chan Traub personal record for retweets and what if most of the retweets and favorites were from Henry's friends. Anyways, Henry did in fact tweet me back and here were his responses (Yes that was plural, which means more than one). 

It turns my life story of Henry was not 100% accurate. It was actually 98% inaccurate, which puts it on par with any political speech ever given. So, I will consider that a success. In the end, Henry and I both follow each other on twitter now and it's safe to say that we are BFFs. Next time I visit Nebraska, I will be sure to stop by Henry's house and say hello (to put that into perspective, I've never visited Nebraska before). 

But for now, on to more pressing matters. For anyone who didn't know, this past weekend was Georgia-Florida weekend. The weekend where Georgia plays against Florida in Jacksonville for what is called the "World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party." For Georgia students, this weekend is basically a holiday. No really. It is literally our Fall Break. We get that Friday off every year and almost everyone spends that Friday on St. Simons Island beach which is dubbed, "Frat Beach." Here is a picture from Frat Beach this year...

Being at Frat Beach is like starring in every episode of the Jersey Shore, but where every girl acts like Snooki and every guy is dressed like the Situation. For those of you who don't know what that means, you clearly have more class than I do. Anyways, the best part about Frat Beach is not that you are on the beach or that you are with all your best friends. No. The best part about Frat Beach is that it is UGA students only.  It is the one day where we can celebrate just as Georgia fans before we have to go down to Jacksonville and share a stadium with the most vile, disgusting creatures known to man...Florida fans. 

If you have never seen a Florida fan before, then let me just say, you are a very lucky person. To get a feel for what your average Florida fan looks like, just picture Hulk Hogan in jean shorts and a cut off t-shirt...well, I guess just picture Hulk Hogan. Now, Florida fans have always been classless, obnoxious human beings, but this past weekend I noticed that they were especially bad. So bad, that I decided it was my duty to do something about it. I needed to fix this problem. So, I mulled my options and decided that the best thing I could do was to get the word out there and let the world see how bad these Gator fans had become.  I created a Public Service Announcement (PSA) and uploaded it to YouTube.  

I chose YouTube because it is far and away the best video streaming outlet on the web. YouTube gives me the ability to reach the largest audience and inform the most possible people that I can. The goal of my PSA is not to eliminate Gator fans, but rather to help them. To help them earn a place in society and become respectable human beings. So, please watch and be informed by my "Save a Gator Fan PSA." 

If you didn't shed a tear during that, then shame on you. These Gator fans need our help and the only way that can happen is if we get the word out there. So please, share this video and help a Gator fan today. Here is a link for your copying/pasting convenience. Thank you. 

For any Florida fans that read this post and were offended, this might make you feel better...