Thursday, September 5, 2013

6 Seconds of Fame

It doesn't take a clock to tell you that six seconds isn't a lot of time. What can you actually do in six seconds anyways besides count to six? I guess it's about the time it would take to change a Nickelback song, but even then, that's too much time. I mean, it took Nicolas Cage a whole minute to be Gone in 60 Seconds. Now if only that movie was about the length of his acting career instead of stealing cars (sorry Mr. Cage, I really enjoyed Ghost Rider 2). The point is that you can't do many things in six seconds. However, Vine has given regular people like you and me the chance to become famous in six seconds. 

We can all think of someone who has had their "15 minutes of fame." My personal favorite being William Hung. You know, the guy from American Idol who sang the best rendition of She Bangs by Ricky Martin known to man? This guy. 

Vine allows its users to post videos up to six seconds long to their respective profiles. Through these videos, Vine has turned "15 minutes of fame" into "6 seconds of fame." Don't believe me? Well, lets look at three regular people who are now famous because of Vine. 

1. Lets start off with Brittany Furlan. She has over 2.5 million followers and 472 posts on Vine. Here is one of her videos...

2. Next we have Jared Stradling. He has over 177 thousand followers and 302 posts. He is most famous for his "Tummy Tuesday" posts... 

3. Lastly we have Maleek who has over 294 thousand followers and 228 posts. He is most known for his videos of "his little cuzo Terio." 

Without Vine, these three people may never have achieved their "6 seconds of fame."

Why is this so important? Social media sites, like Vine, give users so much power and freedom to produce their own content and reach virtually every corner of the world. In my opinion, Vine is currently the best video sharing outlet out there. Yes, even better than YouTube. Vine exploits the most common disease for humans. Which is, of course, a short attention span. I would much rather watch 100, six second Vine videos than 100, six minute YouTube videos. Lets get real, we all know that feeling when a friend asks us to watch a "hilarious" YouTube video. 99% of the time we don't want to watch the video but we do it anyways because we are good friends. We pretend to laugh at it and move on with our lives. Now, when it comes to Vine, nearly everyone will watch a recommended Vine video because they know it will only take six seconds of their time. Plus, Vine videos get straight to the punch-line, which is all we care about anyways.

Even with Instagram introducing video, I don't see Vine going away anytime soon. After all, there are only so many times we can watch an Instagram video of someone preparing their food before getting annoyed.  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post! I agree with you that Vine is much more entertaining than YouTube or Instagram videos. It could possibly turn out to be a great avenue for companies to market their brand to consumers in a more playful or fun way.
