Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Game of Love

You guys, I am at a very stressful point in my life right now. I'm a senior in college and in less than a year I will be in the real world. Like the real, real world. Not like that terrible show on MTV that's about as real as...(SPOILER ALERT for my readers in the South and elementary school readers) the WWE and Santa Claus. But, am I stressed about finding a job and starting my future? No. Why on Earth would I be worried about that? Instead, I am stressed about something much, much worse. Something that keeps me up at night and has me listening to Drake 24/7. You guys...I am single. 

The point of college isn't to get a degree, the point of college is to find your significant other (thank God I didn't go to Alabama). Unfortunately, I haven't yet found my princess charming that's going to sweep me off my feet and carry me off into the sunset. I know what you're thinking. How am I single? What's not to like about a senior in college with a minimum wage, part-time job who has no clue what he is going to do post-graduation? I blame my singleness on the fact that dating in college is way harder than dating in high school. In high school, all you had to do was text someone for a week, have a few things in common with said person (i.e., same favorite color, favorite food, favorite sport), and take that person to the new scary movie in theaters and boom. You're Facebook official. In college, it's completely different. You actually look for things like personality, intelligence, goals, and ambitions in the other person. Plus, you have to go on multiple dates before you're Fabo official. Unheard of. Well, I haven't dated in a long time and frankly, I have no idea how to date anymore. So, I decided to try something new. I decided to enter a new realm, explore uncharted waters. The waters of online dating. 

I had never tried online dating before so I really didn't know where to begin. What site would I choose? Eharmony? BlackPeopleMeet? So many choices. Well, I was terrified of putting myself out there, so, I decided to test the waters of online dating by testing the waters of online dating.  This past Wednesday I created three fake online dating accounts on three separate online dating sites. The goal was to get a feel for the sites, learn the features, and of course see if I found any compatible matches with my characters. Well, I checked my profiles earlier today and unfortunately none of my charming gentlemen received any matches. Maybe you guys can tell me where you think I went wrong...

1. Alias: Lester Buckrod
    Dating Site: 
    Birthday:  August 10th, 1987 (26 years old)

I honestly had high hopes for Lester. However, he was unable to find his perfect doe and remains a lonely hunter. On to profile number two. 

2. Alias: Isaac Kanagy
    Dating Site:
    Birthday: February 7th, 1992 (21 years old) 

Even the Amish have trouble finding love. Isaac couldn't find his Amish soul mate, but I am confident that he will indeed make it to the moon one day. Two profiles and no matches. Not a good start. Third times a charm, right?  

3. Alias: Donald Steed
    Dating Site: 
    Birthday: October 20, 1985 (27 years old)

Donald was supposed to be my Ace of Spades. I mean, what girl isn't interested in a guy with herpes, chlamydia, syhpilis, and gonorrhea? COME ON LADIES. 

My online dating experiment was a total failure, but thanks to Lester, Isaac, and Donald I learned a lot about online dating. Here are a few of my key takeaways...

1. Online Dating is Free...Kind of
      It was free to create an account on all three sites. However, "free" is a very flexible term in the online dating world. The sites urged that I pay a monthly fee to upgrade to a better version. The upgraded versions give you access to more features that will increase your chances of finding your soul mate. I was unwilling to splurge to find true love for my profiles. Sorry guys. 

2. You like to dress as a Leprechaun and Eat Lucky Charms while Irish Step-dancing? There's a dating site for that. 
      There is literally a dating site for anyone. Any niche market you can think of, they have a dating site for it. It's kind of ridiculous, but hilarious at the same time. 

3. The Formats of Dating Sites are Relatively Homogenous
        I know what you're thinking right now. Homogenous? Wow Chan, I didn't know you knew words that big! Well I do, so shut up. All of the sites had relatively the same format. For instance, each site required you to put a "headline" on your profile. The headline is a few sentences long and is basically the first impression you give to everyone. Since the formats of the sites are pretty much the same, it makes it easy for people if they decide to switch to a different dating site. Like if you went from Team Edward to Team Jacob or something stupid like that. 

In my opinion, online dating is great. There is a huge market for it and it really has exploded in our generation. It is just another example of how social media connects us closer and closer to one another and really makes the world a lot smaller. Plus, it has given us awesome shows like "Catfish." As for me, I won't be creating an online dating profile anytime soon. I'll just learn how to date again the old-fashioned way. And that's by reading every Nicholas Sparks book. Lastly, I want to apologize to Yahoo,,, and I am assuming I violated all of your terms and conditions by creating fake email accounts and dating profiles. But lets get real, no one reads those anyways.   

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